Monday, February 27, 2012

I love my husband

     I do. I LOVE him. Absolutely the most I ever have loved anyone. Ever.

My sweet husband on his early 26th birthday party. He claims I choose bad pictures of him sometimes. But hey, its my blog, and you smiled like that on purpose. Still looks good to me.

     I am realizing how completely blessed I am to have such a wonderful husband and baby daddy. He really is one of the greatest people I know. I can just be a total jerk to him all day. Or week. And he's always quick to forgive and make up. He listens to me gab on about stuff he doesn't care about and holds me when I cry about things that are completely unreasonable. He accepts me as the ridiculous person I am, even when pregnancy heightens my ridiculousness. He is gentle and forgiving, and patient. And hot. He thinks I'm pretty even when I don't. He tells me he loves me everyday, all day. He makes late-night McFlurry runs for me even when he's watching what he eats. He is the bug catcher, trash taker outer, lid unscrewer, top shelf reacher... lately his job description has expanded to also include excessive complimenter and encourager (I'm an emotional basket case and need it), foot massager and toenail clipper, personal slave and official hanger of all wall art, therapist, occasional dishwasher, and bathroom janitor. He does it all, looking fine the whole time. Not to mention his actual job, and school. And somehow, after a long day he can look at me, big, mean, and sleepy as I am, and I know he loves me more than anyone else in the whole world. Of all his jobs and responsibilities, he values "husband" at the top of the list. Having him has shown me so much of what the Lord's love for his bride must be like. Unbelievable. Unmerited. Stupid maybe. Absolutely comforting and reinforcing. I know that no matter what, he is going to put me and our daughter and our family as top priority. He is going to love me regardless, and guard our daughter fiercely, and protect and provide for us with every bit of strength he has.

Just a little proof of his hanging abilities. Not to mention the fact he went shopping with me on his day off to get the picture in the first place. I know, he's like the best husband in the world.

And... of course. 33 and a half weeks. Heres our precious little baby girl. His most recent true love.

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