Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day

     Well I had an excellent Valentine's Day. My sweet husband stayed up late last night with me and put together a fantastic baby swing, and we woke up early this morning and ate breakfast together. He made the most delicious bowl of cereal I have ever had! I was surprised with red roses and so many adorrrable presents!

a hand-written card
Babywise, this book I REALLLLY wanted!
a certificate for a backrub from the TJ Joy
and, he's going to get my blog printed and bound for Madelyn after she's born. Since I'm a compulsive recorder, I'm especially happy about that.

     All in all, it was the best Valentine's Day I've ever had. Not only because I loved the gifts, but because I loved the heart in which TJ gave them to me. Last night, I was banned to the bedroom as TJ danced around excitingly getting everything ready for this morning. When we woke up this morning, he made me get out of bed and walk out of our room first. As I opened everything, his eyes lit up watching how excited I was. And then, he served me. We never eat breakfast together, so it was so special!

     Its was one of those times when you can't stop smiling even when your alone. When just the idea of how much thought someone else put into making you feel special gets you giddy inside. I went to Walmart today to get essentials for MY surprise to him, and it was a crazy madhouse. It seemed like everyone in the whole store was in the same three isles! People were rushing around picking up flowers and candies and balloons! And it just made me smile to myself even more. Granted, there seems to be this looming sense of certain punishment if someone forgets or doesn't deliver on Valentines. Its a bit of a  performance isn't it? An expected, demanded, show of affection. But it didn't feel like that to me at all today. I know my sweet husband blessed me because he wanted to bless me-not out of requirement or expectation. And he did it in a way that was thoughtful to me, and also to our precious little baby girl. He loves both of his ladies :).
     And after lunch, he kissed me in the parking lot and told me I was his girl. I love being his girl. Madelyn has no idea how much she is going to love being his girl. And at the Awakening tonight, we sang to the Lord, "I am yours." On Valentine's Day, I'm glad to be his girl too.


1 comment:

  1. Please please please do not use Babywise on your precious baby when she comes.

    Please take the time to read the articles linked here:http://www.ezzo.info/newsreports.htm - I know many of these links are older, but the info is still good.

    A baby under the age of 3 months should never be left to cry it out.
